ICAPE Group Now Offers SEA-AIR Shipping for France and Germany

ICAPE Group Now Offers SEA-AIR Shipping for France and Germany The Perfect Balance for Your Needs! Exciting news for our valued customers in France and Germany! We’re thrilled to announce that ICAPE Group can now offer SEA-AIR transportation through our SAP production system. This innovative shipping method combines the best of both worlds: air and […]
Purchase PCB from China : The importance of onsite controls

Purchase PCB from China The importance of onsite controls Learn More In an era defined by globalization and interconnected supply chains, the imperative for stringent oversight and control within manufacturing facilities cannot be overstated. ICAPE Group strives to exceed quality standards, ensure ethical practices, and mitigate risks, the significance of having onsite control within our […]
ICAPE Group reports strong growth in 2022 half-year results and provides an update on its activity

Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 5:45 p.m. CEST on October 5th, 2022 – ICAPE Group (ISIN code: FR001400A3Q3 – mnemonic: ALICA), a global technology distributor of printed circuit boards, today announces its results for the first half of the current fiscal year, ending June 30, 2022, as approved by the Board of Directors on October 5, 2022.